Old Slave Cemetery is on private property and is not easily accessed; there is no road to it. Looking for contact number. Believed to be the final resting place of hundreds of souls, only a few dozen identifiable markers remain. There are many large pieces of sandstone and many rock-lined cairns in this cemetery. Death certificate for Martha Billingslea indicates that the cemetery may have once been known as St Johns Cemetery. 1998 article on cemetery http://drbobl.tripod.com/OldSlaveCem.html This link is to an article in the current UNT Alumni magazine about the history project conducted by UNT students as directed by 2 History Professors, Andrew Torget and Todd Moye: https://northtexan.unt.edu/issues/2020-summer/past-present The link to the pages created by this in-depth project of the UNT professors/students as described above; hosted by the UNT Library: https://omeka.library.unt.edu/s/stjohns/page/welcome
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